Thursday, March 5, 2009

New in Athens: The cellphone seller scam


Some time ago, i was going to an appointment for work. I had to pick up some folder from the Fire Service Offices in Athens (Pireos Street 31). I am  a buildign services engineer  - an electrical engineer to be exact – as I was walking towards my destination, at Anaxagora street, a little while after passing by Sokratous street, I was approached by a man (look at the map below) I must note that the robery took place at the red square point. We’re ttalking about the centre of Athens!

Εικόνα χάρτη

Using a new technique, he tried to sell a mobile phone to me for a reasonable price because he said he needed the money to smoke. Whether he meant he needed to smoke or do drugs, i don’t really know. It’s not like i stopped to ask him. After all i never stopped as i kept on walking. Yes that’s right! he never stopped me! The guy in front of me was trying to convince me to buy a cell phone for 20 or 30 euros. His accomplice on the other hand who was behind me, had opened and emptied my bag!

One would ask what was their prey. A Panasonic Lumix FX33 Brown (says the box, i’d say it’s wine red or bordeaux like the wine in French) digital camera. Another wise question would be why i had it with me? Well the obvious answer is that as a part of my engineering services i work as an appraisals officer for a large number of banks so taking photos is something like an everyday phenomenon. The reason i was not suspicious is that our office is located 5-10 minutes away and at certain times – days i pass from the spot twice or more a day and never had an incident in the past. Then again there’s the first time for everything! One of the reasons I present that here is that the centre of athens is one of the tourist areas and because the revenue services buildings are only seconds away from where the whole incident took place. This means anyone carying money or checks  (there is a western union office too at the side of pireos street) must be very very very careful!

Actually the truth is that once the borders opened, we had a lot of people coming in from the balkans and the east. Most of the times there was no control at  all to find out whether the people coming in had stolen killed or murdered back in their countries. As i was returning to the office from pireos street this time, i saw two guys sniffing coke on the stairs of dorian inn hotel at Omonia Square no fear no second thoughts no nothing. We should all watch very carefully what we do and where we go!

I’m really frustrated i lost this camera because it took brilliant pictures. However i had a sarcastic smile on my face because i still have the charger! in case any one of you comes across it or someone tries to sell it to you, it’s Serial Number is: FJ7LB001548)